Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Next New Thing

I think that the next big new media idea that will surface in the future will have something to do with mobile devices. Such as making screens 3D, icons that seem to be in 3D dimensions. Maybe possible having a a full Glass Screen phone no metal surrounding it. Allowing phones to project certain things such as movies, and even allowing 3D movies to be played on a handheld device. Such new inventions would certainly be a new technological idea that would impress the public. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

P2P File Sharing

What is File Sharing?
File sharing is the transfer of files from one computer to another over a network or the internet.

What is P2P File sharing?
P2P file sharing allows users to access media files such as books, music, movies, and games using a P2P software program that searches for other connected computers on a P2P network to locate the desired content.

What are some Examples of P2P file Sharing?
An example of P2P file sharing is this website called Lending Club. This is a site where you can go and ask lenders for loans and when getting approved you are offered a low interest rate, one lower than usual banks. "The system works like this: Investors put up the money to fund the loans; typically they'll have pieces of hundreds, even thousands of loans which are ranked according to risk. An investor's rate of return will vary accordingly."

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Through New Media we have social media, the ultimate source of sharing and connecting with other people whether they are strangers or friends. As more and more people are using social media sites to connect with others it creates the opportunity for someone to share personal details and to get comfortable with others. Many privacy related issues have raised simply because of social media, such as identity theft due to sharing simple personal information. If you are not familiar with using such sites and knowing how to set your privacy to keep unwanted people lurking around, you can have anyone just view your profile and get sensitive information that you wouldn't want a stranger knowing. Social Media operations and designers use mining technology to inspect everything there users contribute and use it to attract potential users in order to make profits. Based on the consumer report of 2010 social media users post risky information while not even realizing, that this can potentially harm them. Increasing their risk of being targeted by a cyber criminal for online scams and increasing the amount of malware.

Advice to the College

You are hired by the College to use new media to improve the College. What are some suggestions you would make using new media?

New media and its innovating technologies can improve all colleges in powerful ways. Through out Brooklyn college i believe new media can improve the colleges lecturers, computers, and even regular classes. With new and improved teaching methods, professors can video and voice record full lectures for students to be able to  access online, it can be live and recorded for you to watch as many times as need to help you study for an upcoming exam. With such class offered here at Brooklyn college such as full online classes and hybrid classes, professors can have recorded lectures to help teach their class to students. Another way New media can improve the college is possibly creating a better way of communicating to professors, for example like a live video chat or online text chat, where you can get your answers right away instead of waiting for professors to answer emails. Professors are teaching multiple classes and sometimes they can not get back to every student who emails them so creating another way of communication like Facebook messenger or whatsapp for students to communicate with professors can be a great help for many students. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Creativity and New Media

I'd like you to show me how new media fosters creativity by creating an example. This assignment is up to your imagination. Whether you want to create a YouTube video or show me snapshots of an avatar in Second Life that you created, I will leave the definition of "creativity and new media" up to you, and let you surprise me.
To get credit for this assignment you must post a blog entry with the above title and explain exactly what you did using new media tools and display it either with screenshots or by providing a url in your blog.
Note: This assignment is flexible, just be creative :)

Through new media we can create a Virtual life using programs such as Second life. Second life isn't the only virtual world simulator that you can use. The more popular ones through out the years was SIMS. These are just examples of Creativity and New media that people have created.

Through second life i was able to choose an Avatar that would be my character through out the game.

These where some screenshots of my view as the game opened up, my virtual world as you can see i am not the only character in the game. The game connects you to a server where you get to play with other people, who get to choose from multiple avatars. 


New media has opened the door to Creatism in a whole different way through out the years. New media has improved technology to way that we as users can create effects and videos with not only Creativity but with meaning, whether its for intellectual purposes or just for entertainment.  The article Disney Tolerates a Rap parody of its Critters. but why? By Brooks Barnes a couple of youtube users created a music video using disney Characters singing a song, with short clips of the actual show. A version of these music videos used clips from the Nickelodeon "Spongebob SquarePants" and has been viewed more than seven million times. Nickelodeon spokesperson commented saying that "Our audiences can creatively mash video from our content as much and as often as they like" he also added that it was very nice. As you can see New media sources such as youtube allowed these creative minds to express themselves through such videos .

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Blog About twitter

Twitter discussions compare to blackboard discussions due to the fact that people can write you a reply on your posts. On blackboard only certain people can access your posts such as your classmates and your professor, while on twitter can be done the same by making your profile only accessible to your friends. It can also be compared to an in class discussion because on twitter you can express your ideas, while in class you can actually put a voice to those ideas. As well as your classmates can disagree and agree with your opinion. 

Social Networking Sites

I have visited Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat each of them offer different means of entertainment. Out of these four social media outlets, i tend to only use Snapchat and Instagram. I do have a Facebook account which i do check every once in a while but not as much. Snapchat introduces the way of posting videos for certain amount of seconds or pictures with different filters to make it more fun and entertaining to use. while Instagram uses something very similar but things on Instagram, Facebook and twitter get saved on to your profile while snapchat you can add certain things to your story but after about a day they get removed. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

New Media Effect On Old Media.

    The title for my paper will be "Has New Media Had a Drastic Impact On Newspaper and Magazine Companies Or Has It Helped Them Grow?" In this paper, I would like to research if new media has had a negative or positive impact on old media, such as newspaper and magazine companies. I will research new media devices such as the kindle and other such applications to determine whether they had a negative or positive effect on newspapers and magazine companies. For many years these companies have relied on printing hard copies for their readers, but now through new media all publications are accessible online. As I imagine, new media has had a negative effect on these companies, but at the same time there are many undeniable positive points that come with the ease of new media and the many ways it can be accessed. I would also like research how new media has  effected the companies' income, and if switching to online publications has increased their revenue or if the print method was an ultimately more profitable system.