Thursday, November 17, 2016

Privacy & Confidentiality

Through New Media we have social media, the ultimate source of sharing and connecting with other people whether they are strangers or friends. As more and more people are using social media sites to connect with others it creates the opportunity for someone to share personal details and to get comfortable with others. Many privacy related issues have raised simply because of social media, such as identity theft due to sharing simple personal information. If you are not familiar with using such sites and knowing how to set your privacy to keep unwanted people lurking around, you can have anyone just view your profile and get sensitive information that you wouldn't want a stranger knowing. Social Media operations and designers use mining technology to inspect everything there users contribute and use it to attract potential users in order to make profits. Based on the consumer report of 2010 social media users post risky information while not even realizing, that this can potentially harm them. Increasing their risk of being targeted by a cyber criminal for online scams and increasing the amount of malware.

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